Special fitness programs are designed to help you achieve your goals in the most effective, time-efficient manner possible.
Skie has designed several different programs to determine the best program based on your budget, schedule and level of desired fitness.
Decrease body fat
Increase muscle tone & shape
Increase metabolism
Learn to eat healthy
Learn proper body mechanics
Slow down aging process
Student discounts with ID
Discounts for those individuals 65 & older
Military discounts

Consultation includes
Health history questionnaire to rule out any health and physical limitations
Measurements and or/body fat analysis
Photographs before & after
Goals: Set short term & long term
Program Goals & Educations
Customizing an exercise program based on individual client needs and goals
Increase muscle tone and decrease body fat
Increase physical tolerance, strength, endurance & posture
Education on proper body mechanics and lifting techniques
Education on proper breathing technique to stabilize abdominal, low back and pelvic region
Nutritional counseling and supplementation to support a healthier lifestyle
Education on cancer fighting foods
Education on manipulating metabolism for weight loss or weight gain
Education on Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats & the role they play in your nutritional program
Common sense approach to healthy eating habits
Is your child at risk for obesity, diabetes, or heart disease?
You read or hear about the growing waistline of American adults. Sadly, our children especially preteens and teenagers are being diagnosed with adult onset diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. We will continue to see a rise in these, if we don’t take action to keep our children physically active and teach them proper eating habits.
A parent of one of my preteens informed me that some of the schools have begun to do away with Physical Education in order to make budgetary cuts. This is of great concern to me as a fitness professional and medical professional, because I’ve seen first hand the suffering caused by obesity. We all know that physical fitness is great for the mind as well as the body. Last but not least, it’s great for self esteem.
It’s saddens me to know that a pre-teenager in my kids group is having to take medication for his blood pressure and some of the other’s in the group are at risk for diabetes.
One of the pre-teenagers that came to the kid’s group fitness class made some great progress after just one month of physical fitness. This youngster, who now lives with his grandmother, lost his mother in a fatal car accident. His grandmother told me that prior to coming to the class he wore his red hooded sweat shirt at all times and spent most of his time playing computer games etc. He was depressed and did not feel like doing much of anything. His grandmother stated that since he began the kids exercise group he no longer wears that red sweat shirt, his attitude has changed from a negative to a positive and has more energy. Thanks to the exercise, he is feeling better, has more confidence and energy.

Give Skie a call today to schedule an appointment 210-452-7543 and ask about our Gift Certificates!